Talking games and PC hardware.
Published on April 11, 2009 By lameofdog In Demigod

Several friends I interested in the game went to pre-order it yesterday and ended up buying it at GameStop and are playing right now. I didn't have any complaints about Impulse til now. I wish it would screw up and release games early.

I know this is common news by now, GameStop screwed the pooch, but I'm just dropping my little story.

On another note Supreme Commander is great, the scale of the battles are awesome, and there are a lot of little interface features that are new for me in an RTS but afer using them I wonder why all RTS games are the same. My favorite feature being the minimap. You can zoom all the way down to each unit or zoom all the way out and it looks just like a minimap "should". I know this isn't an amazing feature, but it works so well and is so functinal an useable in game I'm going to find myself wishing every RTS had such a dynamic minimap.

-Ldog out

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 12, 2009

hmmm my order isnt even shipped yet from ... getting it for $37 and its $40 in gamestop which is right across the street from me ... temptation temptation


I might goto gamestop and buy it today and cancel my "Pre-Order" since I probably wont be able to play much when I get it on the weekdays  (School + Work + Test to study for)


Edit: I called one of my local gamestops to check if they were selling it already and the associate told me they were selling it already, but I made the mistake of telling him "cool so you guys are selling it already? cause the release date was on the 14th" and then he said "hmmm let me call another store and find out because we cant sell it until the release date, call me back in 15 min" .... doh!    ah well ill drop by there in a few min and buy a copy ... ill have more time to enjoy it today then I will next week

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